What is CcHUB student Membership community?

A community where the student members of CcHUB community can collaborate, co-create, share ideas and make connections.

If you’d like to post something but are not sure what to post, try these ideas:

  1. Introduce yourself, your school, major, skills or hobby OR
  2. Ask us to review a project you or your team are currently working on or something you’ve built OR
  3. Post a link or excerpt to something you’ve read recently that was interesting to you.

Community Rules

1. No Spam or Advertising is allowed

Do not spam the community with links to your site or product, or try to self-promote your school, event or organization etc.

2. Do not post offensive posts

Any post which constitutes discriminatory content such as, harassment, tribal discrimination or abuse is prohibited.

3. Be polite to other community members

Explain your perspective politely if you disagree with a fellow community member. No member is allowed to attack or insult anyone in this community.

4. Only students can post and interact

All entities other than students will not be able to post or interact on this platform.

5. Spell and punctuate your words correctly

Please spell and punctuate your words correctly when you post, so that your message is clear to whoever is reading it.

6. Use descriptive topic names

Don’t use vague topic names to make your point. Give a short and concise summary of your question on the subject.

General Community Questions

What happens if I break a rule?

Your membership will be reviewed and you will either be given a warning or banned.

What happens if I see a thread/post which has broken a rule?

If you spot that a rule has been broken, please report the thread/post to the moderators or admin.

Moderator Policy

In Order To Apply To Be A Moderator You Must be:

  • a community regular

  • have been a member of the community for over 4 months

  • have a positive presence on CcHUB student Membership forum

  • civil and helpful towards other members and give advice whenever possible.

  • knowledgeable in the topics they would like to moderate.

  • visit the community at least once a day and actively take part in discussions as frequently as possible.

  • help to keep unsuitable content out of the community as much as possible.

  • take an active part in discussions between Moderators relating to the running of the community.

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Noted …

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