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The site still needs finishing touches. In the home page, the “click here” line is not visible, only the top part of the message is seen.

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Ones surname can’t be the person’s first name, it is the other way round; Surname= Last name and Name= First name.

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“Valid phone number” is spelt incorrectly, In your signup details

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Thanks for the correction, its treated

noted sir … it has been treated.

Thank you very much. I have also been battling with my sign-up code,
I got an API from an sms company, I want users to get sms after sign-up.
But which i found so challenging. Kindly help me out.

i’m a female by the way

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Wow, thank u ma.
Pls, any idea on SMS API integration ?

Here is my code that submit to DATABASE

    $sql="INSERT INTO ads (ads_title, ads_content, poster, status, date, song, songsize, ads_pic)

(’$title’,’$body’,’$poster’,’$category’,’".date(“Y-m-d H:i:s”)."’,’$song’,’$songsize’,’$location’)";

$test =
if (!mysql_query($sql))
die('Error: ’ . mysql_error());
header(“location: myfunctions.php”);




THIS IS THE “myfunctions.php” PAGE with the SMS API

<?php header("location: Ent 3&type=0&routing=3&token=jQeNHcccn7XiK4RjyXIM0MbemmxNxYYokP2LBIEO4QrweedpThLdfxQGcYI1EpmZ1pLoLAGkNdTqC78y3CiRVOaBa5z64EY3a"); //header("location: home.php"); ?>

My major problem is that, the SMS is sent but the page refuse to redriect to ‘‘home.php’’

i suggest you need a better interface, i mean something simple but attractive

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Amazing work…
But bad UI and no special feature

Try And Use Laravel Framework or Codeigniter, that is what am currently using in my PHP backend development

Use facebook SMS api duh

Thank you for your reply, how do i use dat