I created this website that connects people with a similar hobby together.
Still doing some usability tests on all the features on the website http://iworkster.com
Tell me what you feel about the website.
I created this website that connects people with a similar hobby together.
Still doing some usability tests on all the features on the website http://iworkster.com
Tell me what you feel about the website.
Hi, from what i can see/guess, the website uses wordpress which i don’t have any problem with, but it’s all congested and i can’t pick out the basic thing the website does and its seems you didn’t edit your images which is making your site slow… Just my review
So i’ve had a run through of the site and one thing you definitely need to improve on is your ui. tbh rn its not looking like a site id visit again because i had a hard time navigating through.
sorry if i sounded too harsh.
its toooooooooo slow mehn… plus from what i see, i think you are a newbie in web design, the key is starting really simple. keep working and you’ll get there one day.
The site is a work in progress, you’re almost there though. Good idea by the way
I just hope somebody doesn’t steal the idea by then
Thanks for your honest opinion…
Will improve the UI soon enough
Thanks Everyone for checking it out and for the opinions… The site is still a work in progress
hey man , thats a nice job u have… its really cool
Wow!!!.. Thanks for that
nice work man… would love to get in contact with you if you don’t mind.
The site is too congested
if u dont mind , create sections for some stuffs
There are various sections on the site. Probably you didn’t navigate past the homepage
i like the idea of connecting people who are passionate about the same things , i think you should add locations to it where those who do those particular things actually meet up , you know like a hobbie directory!
Nice bro, it’s a really good job. Just keep working on it, there are hundreds of gys out there with this same idea and are working on theirs.
Dont give up
Hi brother, I tink we are working on the same project. and having same problem with UI/UX. mine is a social network. with Instant Massage (sgzchat.twomini.com). dnt know if we can work togeda. dis ma number 08066291798. am always online on whats app. anytime . will be expectatin ur ping.
I’ll get in touch with you