Expert Chat Series: Cybersecurity: Attacks, Safety Measures & Career Opportunities

Be a part of CcHUB Student Community webchat expert series!

We are discussing - Cybersecurity: Attacks, Safety Measures & Career Opportunities with CcHUB’s Digital Security Team. The chat will touch on key online safety measures and the opportunities that exist in Digital Security.

Date: February 13th
Time: 1:00 pm (WAT).

If you have questions prior to the programme for our facilitator(s), kindly send them below.

Remember to keep calm and be #safeonline

Thank you.

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The Expert Series Chat will be starting in 5 minutes… Get your questions ready!

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Habeeb Adebisi, CcHUB’s Digital Security Associate will be discussing -Cybersecurity: Attacks, Safety Measures & Career Opportunities…

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Hello everyone :wave:

Thank you for the introduction, Michelle!

Alright, so, it is time! :grinning:

But, just before we begin this interesting chat, can we see by show of hands :raised_hand: how many of are present online here right now?

Alright then, let’s begin!

So, as Michelle right stated, I am Habeeb, a Digital Security Associate with CcHUB and I will be sharing with us the common Cybersecurity attacks in Nigeria, the implications of these attacks, practical countermeasures and career opportunities for anyone interested in a Cybersecurity career.

I’ve always wanted to know if anyone can have a career in cyber security

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Hello Habeeb, is it possible to be 100% safe online?

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Yes, indeed! Anyone can!

And you do not even need to have a technical background to be a Cybersecurity professional.

I will get to that in a short while…

Hey Mosun!

You see, it is a Yes and No answer really.

The reality is, No, you cannot be 100% safe online, but, the big BUT, is that Yes, you can prevent bad things from happening to you online by 90%.

The aim of being safe online is not for 100% security because that is not possible, but for protection against harmful incidents. Just like we say in the physical world, “Prevention is better than cure.”

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Common Cybersecurity Attacks in Nigeria:

  • Phishing

  • Smishing

  • Vishing

  • Identity Theft Through Social Media and Instant Messaging Apps
    [(i.) WhatsApp Hijacking (ii.) Facebook/Instagram hacking]

  • Attacks on Mobile Banking Using Sim Cards

  • Malware Attacks, etc.

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Hmnn! Thank you for the apt answer

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  • What is Phishing

Phishing is a cyber attack that uses a fraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive personal information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details by disguising as a trustworthy entity.

The goal is to trick you the email recipient into believing that the message is something you want, need, or are expecting — like a request from your bank, for instance, or a note from someone in your school — and then, prompt you to click on a web link or to download an attachment.

Phishing is a trusted mode of attack for hackers as it is cheap to execute and it is the most common way people fall victim to scams.

There are a number of steps you can take and mindsets you should get into that will keep you from becoming a phishing statistic. Here are a few:

  • Always check the spelling of the URLs in email links before you click or enter sensitive information.

  • Watch out for URL redirects, where you’re subtly sent to a different website with identical design.

  • If you receive an email from a source you know but it seems suspicious, pay attention to the characters in the email address and compare with previous emails you have received from the same individual/entity. If possible, put a call through or contact the person via a different medium to confirm if they sent a mail or not, especially if you have been requested to something sensitive, like send money or send personal information.

  • When you see surveys on Twitter and Instagram that subtly ask you to post personal information like birthday, 4 digit numbers, vacation plans, address, phone number, e.g, The Face vs The Bank Account, don’t fall for it. While the posts might be harmless, there are hackers and malicious guys everywhere who can take advantage of that information.

This came right on time. I was just about asking you to shed some light on Phishing.

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I got you covered Mosun!

  • What is Smishing?

This is a form of phishing, in which someone tries to trick you into giving them your private information via a text or SMS message. It is a fraudulent practise of sending text messages purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords or ATM card numbers. Smishing is particularly scary because sometimes people tend to be more inclined to trust a text message than an email. People are becoming aware of the security risks involved with clicking on links in emails. But a lot of people are still not aware when it comes to text messages.

Like email Phishing, Smishing is a crime of trickery — it depends on fooling the victim into cooperating by clicking a link or providing information.

The good news is that these attacks are easy to protect against. You can keep yourself safe by doing nothing at all. The attack can only do damage if you take the bait. Here are a few things to keep in mind that will protect you from Smishing attacks:

  • You should regard urgent security alerts and you-must-act-now coupon redemption offers or deals as warning signs of a hacking attempt.

  • No financial institution or merchant will send you a text message asking you to update your account information or confirm your ATM card code.

  • If you get a message that seems to be from your bank or a friend, and it asks you to click on something in the message, it’s a fraud. Call your bank or friend directly if you are in any doubt.

  • Never click a reply link or phone number in a message you’re not sure about.

  • Look for suspicious numbers that don’t look like real mobile phone numbers, like “5000”.

  • Don’t store your credit card or banking information on your smartphone. If the information isn’t there, thieves can’t steal it even if they do slip malware onto your phone.

  • Refuse to take the bait — simply do not respond.

  • Report all Smishing attacks to the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) to try to protect others.

  • What is Vishing?

The fraudulent practice of making phone calls or leaving voice messages purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as bank details and credit card numbers.

There is no need to be paranoid about becoming a victim of Vishing. At the same time, it pays to be careful. To help you remain vigilant, below are some specific steps to prevent Vishing:

  • Be aware – Knowing how these thieves operate can help you from getting scammed. Always remember that legitimate business don’t make unsolicited requests for personal, sensitive, or financial information. Anyone who does this over the phone is probably trying to scam you.

  • Do not give in to pressure – If someone tries to coerce you into giving them sensitive information, hang up.

  • Do not answer phone calls from unknown numbers – It is tempting to answer calls from unknown numbers. You might even be thinking; “What if it’s an emergency and someone needs me?” Be aware that anyone who’s calling you with a real emergency will leave a message.

  • Stay calm and don’t panic – Since these criminals frequently play on your emotions, keep a cool head and hang up the phone. If you still feel afraid, wait 10 minutes and then call your bank, credit card company, or whoever the caller claimed to be. Then verify whether there is a real problem.

  • Be sceptical at all times – Even if your Caller ID gives the name of a bank, charity, or some other company or organization, it could be a trick.

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Hello all,

We’ll be continuing our chat tomorrow 14th of February, 2020 at 1pm.

We can’t wait to have you join us.

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